The Cheese | Case Study
3D Modeling, 3D Rendering
The objective of this project was to learn basic modeling techniques in Cinema 4D. The challenge was to demonstrate an understanding of using parametric objects, modifiers, and effectors in Cinema 4D. This involved mastering the software’s tools and functionalities to create 3D models efficiently and effectively.
Starks Incorporated created an asset to demonstrate the use of various modeling techniques and to familiarize with the tools and navigation of Cinema 4D. The project involved utilizing parametric objects for flexible and non-destructive modeling, applying modifiers to refine shapes and details, and using effectors to animate and manipulate objects. This hands-on approach allowed for a comprehensive understanding of Cinema 4D’s capabilities, resulting in a well-rounded skill set in basic 3D modeling techniques. The asset served as a practical example of the effective application of these techniques, showcasing proficiency in the software.